San Francisco Federal Credit Union’s Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members

San Francisco Federal Credit Union’s Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members will be held on March 6, 2024, at 770 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco CA 94102 at 6:00PM. To obtain additional information, please visit:

Our Annual Meeting will be held March 6, 2024. Nominations may be made by submitting a petition signed by one percent (1%) of credit union members, currently set at 495 members. The election of board members will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor at the credit union’s Annual Meeting, when there is only one nominee for each position to be filled. Each nomination by petition must submit a statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition. Valid nominations received by petition are due to the secretary by January 26, 2024. To obtain additional information regarding election procedures, please write to: [email protected].

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